Saturday 3 August 2013

Handsome is as handsome does.

In a general sense, handsome means good, beautiful, desirable and physically attractive. There can be a similar long list of adjectives to describe the word, handsome. However, in the context of my title, handsomeness is related to one's good deeds and actions and is not merely confined to physical appearance. Great people are evaluated on the basis of their character, lofty ideals, love for humanity, spiritual and intellectual strength. Such people who devote their entire lives to human welfare and salvation of the sufferings of the underprivileged. They achieve immortality by virtue of their contributions for the progress and prosperity of generations to come.
My dear friends, if this world and life are worth living today, it is because of the contributions of a few noble people and their great deeds. There have been countless people who selflessly toiled day and night to make the lives of their brethren comfortable, decent, cheerful and fee of misery and exploitation. There have been educationists, doctors, engineers, artists, businessmen, musicians, pilots, architects and inventors who performed great charitable deeds for which generations of humanity are grateful to them till today. These people, are the true heroes in their own right. Einstein and Newton we are told, were not physically attractive but just look at the valuable services they rendered to mankin. Abraham Lincoln, a modest and shy man delivered millions from the yoke of slavery.
Our Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) brought to the world a new charter and code of life which dazzled the civilization with it's brilliance. He is the greatest benefactor of mankind whose handsome deeds illuminated all four corners of the world.
Let me enlighten you with  a true happening to illustrate how one good deed, repaid with another, resulted in immense relief to the suffering humanity. The story goes like this; on a cold morning in December, in the countryside of England, a farmer heard the cries of a young distressed boy trapped in the marshy fields. He lost no time to rescue the boy. The next morning the young man showed up with his father. The father, a rich man by appearance, thanked the farmr for his good deed. Then he requested the farmer to let him take his son with him, so that he could send the boy to a renowned institution for education. The farmer pleasingly agreed. The farmer's son became known to the world as Alxander Flemming, the scientist who discovered Penicillin which saved millions of lives including that of Winston Churchill. It all started with the boy trapped in a marsh, one December morning.
These are the handsome people who do handsome deeds and leave their noble deeds to be remembered with grattitude, as long as the world exists.